K-6 Utah Charter School

A free public K-6 charter school located in East Salt Lake City.

Alyson Bowthorpe

Librarian & Preschool

Canyon Prep Preschool

Every morning Miss Alyson and Miss Amy are excited about coming to school. We love our preschool students. We love their openness and curiosity. We love the funny things they say. We enjoy teaching them new ideas, reading great books to them singing songs, working with them on writing strokes, paper cutting skills, and finger painting. The preschool years are the time to learn life skills- taking turns, listening, exploring new ideas and learning how to get along with others. We spend time uncovering patterns, engaging in imaginative play and making strides in fine-motor and large-motor skills. We enjoy introducing them to letters, shapes, sounds, math, science, literacy, art and discovering new things. We allow students time for hands-on play, exploring and constructing knowledge.

Our goal is to help your children learn to love learning. Canyon Prep Preschool is an incredible place to start your childʼs school experience.

Miss Alyson has been teaching preschool for 13 years- the last 4 years at Canyon Rim.
Miss Amy has been teaching preschool for 8 years- the last 4 years at Canyon Rim.
Together they make a fabulous teaching team.