A free public K-6 charter school located in East Salt Lake City.
What are the requirements to attend Canyon Rim Academy?
Canyon Rim Academy is a public charter school and part of the State of Utah public education system. It must be open to all students, without discrimination. Public schools may not discriminate on any basis. If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of the school or its' programs, classes or grade levels, then those to be admitted are chosen at random in a lottery process.
What is the process to have my child attend Canyon Rim Academy?
Prospective students/parents must fill out an application to be considered for enrollment. Applications are available at our October Open House or in our office after the Open House is held. Our applications are simple to fill out - we just need basic student information and parent contact information. Birth Certificates are not required when filling out an application. We do not have an online application.
When do you begin accepting applications for enrollment?
We begin accepting applications in October for the next school year at an Open House at Canyon Rim Academy. Applications will not be accepted prior to the open house. The date of the open house will be announced on our website approximately one month before the open house. We recommend that prospective parents attend the open house so they may take a tour of the building, ask questions and receive more personal attention than can be offered on regular school days.
How many new students are admitted to Canyon Rim Academy each year?
The number varies from year to year depending on available spaces. Canyon Rim Academy offers four kindergarten classes of up to 80 new students each year. We will have two full day Kindergarten classes with 20 students in each class and one AM class & one PM class, also 20 students in each. Additionally, if there are openings in other grades, Canyon Rim Academy will accept new students until grade level or school capacity of 525 is reached.
If I am unable to attend the Open House, can I still apply?
Yes. Our October Open House is the kick-off event that begins the application process, but we continue to accept applications throughout the school year. There is no end date for submitting applications. You may visit our school office during our regular office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to fill out an application after the date of the open house. Tours will not be offered during regular school days.
How do I transfer to/from your school and what is the timeline?
Most students will transfer from their present school to CRA at the beginning of the school year. For a current school year transfer into CRA, you must first apply in our lottery. Applications can be filled out at any time during the school year. Then, if there is availability, you may enroll your student. Upon receipt of the necessary paperwork and documentation your child may start at CRA and we will request their academic records from their previous school.
Why do you have a lottery and how does it work?
Charter Schools are required by state law to have a lottery if they have more applicants than spots available. Though we do a lottery, we are permitted to divide our year into application periods. Each month designates an application period. At the end of each month/application period, applications turned in during that month are put in a random order through a lottery process. A waiting list is then generated from the randomized applications.
What happens to my application after I have filled it out?
At the end of the month when you applied, your application will be randomized with all the applications that came in during that month. A waiting list is generated from the randomized applications. This waiting list begins at the end of the first application period after applications for that month are randomized. Each successive month, applications are added to the bottom of the existing waiting list. When we have spaces available, we begin by inviting students on the top of the waiting list and work our way down until all available spots are filled.
Your child's chances of getting accepted are based on the number of applications we receive, the number of openings we have and the number of people who accept or decline our offer of enrollment. These numbers fluctuate, so we are unable to predict your child's chance of being accepted to attend Canyon Rim Academy.
How can I improve my child's chance of being accepted at Canyon Rim Academy?
There isn't a way to improve your child's chance of being accepted. We are required by the state to use the lottery system to invite new students and we invite them in order of the randomized placement on the waiting list.
Do I need to resubmit an application each year?
Yes. Applications do not carry over from year to year. If you were not invited to attend Canyon Rim Academy one year, you will need to apply for subsequent years in order to be in the lottery.
How will I know if my child has been accepted?
We begin inviting students in mid-March for the following school year. This process continues throughout the spring and summer months when openings become available. If your child is accepted, you will receive an email notifying you of the invitation to enroll. Registration materials will also be included in the email.
Will I be notified if my child is not invited to enroll?
No. We continually invite new students when we find other students aren't returning. Because those numbers often fluctuate as we prepare for the next year, we don't tell applicants that they haven't been invited when there is a chance they may be invited at a later date.
Can I visit Canyon Rim Academy?
Yes. We recommend that you attend the October Open House so that you may take a tour of the building. Tours are not offered during the school year, but we can arrange for parents to walk around the building after school hours.
My child currently attends Canyon Rim Academy; do I need to reapply in the lottery for my child to continue being enrolled?
No. Once your child is enrolled they continue to be enrolled in the school from year to year until they finish at CRA.
If my child is accepted, can I choose the teacher I want my child to have?
Parents do not choose their child's teacher. Canyon Rim Academy has excellent teachers and your child will be placed where the administration thinks is the best fit.
How many grade levels are taught at Canyon Rim Academy?
Canyon Rim Academy is a Kindergarten - 6th Grade public charter school. In order for a student to enroll in Kindergarten, the child must be 5 years old by September 1st of the year for which they are applying. Students under 5 years old may not be enrolled at Canyon Rim Academy.
Do you charge tuition or fees to attend Canyon Rim Academy?
No. We are a publicly funded school, so we may not charge tuition or fees. The PTO may ask for donations or conduct fundraisers for the school, but patrons are not required to participate.
What are your class sizes?
Classes in grades 1st – 6th are limited to 25-26 students per class; Kindergarten classes are limited to 19-20 students per class. There are three classes in each grade level 1st – 5th grades, two-three classes in 6th grade, and four Kindergarten classes; two full-day classes and two half-day classes, one AM & one PM class of 20 students each.
What time does school start and end?
Monday-Thursday school is in session 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. for 1st – 6th Grades. Friday hours are 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. AM half-day Kindergarten hours Monday-Thursday are 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 – 10:30 on Fridays. PM half-day Kindergarten hours Monday-Thursday are 12:15 – 3:15 p.m. and 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. on Fridays.
Do I have to live near the school in order to be eligible for enrollment?
No. Anyone is welcome to apply and we do not have school boundaries. However, those that live within a half-mile radius and a two-mile radius of the school do get a preference over those living outside those areas.
Are there any preference specifications for enrollment?
Yes. Preferences fall in this order: 1) Siblings desiring to enroll at Canyon Rim Academy are placed first before any other invitations are extended. 2) Children of current full time employees. 3) Applicants living within a half-mile radius of Canyon Rim Academy. 4) Applicants living within a two-mile radius of Canyon Rim Academy. 5) Applicants living outside the 1/2 mile and two-mile radius of Canyon Rim Academy.
Is there a school uniform?
Yes. Students are required to wear Navy or Khaki twill bottoms (shorts, capris, skirts, jumpers or long pants) and collared shirts with buttons. Typically shirts are polo type shirts, but cotton shirts with collars and that button down the front are also permitted. For a more complete list of uniform requirements, please see the Dress Code/Uniform Policy on our website.
Can my child be enrolled at Canyon Rim Academy and another school at the same time?
No. State law does not allow for a student to be enrolled in two public schools at the same time. You may apply to go to another school and still be enrolled in your home base school, but if you are accepted by another public school you must withdraw from the school where your child is currently enrolled.
When can I apply for 2024-2025?
The first opportunity to apply for 2024-2025 will be at an Open House on Thursday, October 5th, 2023, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. If you want to apply and cannot attend the open house, you may come into the office at Canyon Rim Academy any time after the open house date during regular office hours, 8:00 - 4:00 to apply.
Does Canyon Rim Academy have a Full-Day Kindergarten Program?
Canyon Rim offers two full-day Kindergarten classes and two half-day Kindergarten classes. If a Kindergarten child is invited to CRA, we hope to accommodate all who would like the full-day class. Once those full-day classes are filled, the half-day classes are offered as an alternative.
Office Hours - 8AM-4PM
Phone - (801) 474-2066
Fax - (801) 474-2085