Lunch Menu
Download the March 2025 Lunch Menu>>
February 2025 Lunch Menu>>
Breakfast menu varies. No published menu will be provided.
Information & Eligibility Guidelines for Free & Reduced Lunch>>
Free & Reduced Lunch Application (English)>>
Free & Reduced Lunch Application Instructions (English)>>
Free & Reduced Lunch Application Instructions (Spanish)>>
Free & Reduced Lunch Application Instructions (Spanish)>>
Please sign in to your child's account (under student profile) in Aspire if you wish to fill out a Free/Reduced Meal Application online.
Federal Regulations for Food Service
Canyon Rim Academy follows the federal regulations regarding school lunch which focuses on portion size and includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in an effort to help keep our children healthy. Lunch options consist of five components of which your child my choose a minimum of 3, but may choose to take all. One of their choices MUST be a fruit or a vegetable. The other choices are a milk, grain, or meat/meat alternative. Breakfast options consist of 3 components - dairy, grain and fruit. Your child may choose 2 or 3 components but one of their choices MUST be fruit. We want our students to learn the importance of fruits and vegetables in a healthy diet.
- Daily lunch price: $2.50
- Daily reduced lunch price: $0.40
- Daily free lunch price: $0.00
- Daily Adult lunch price: $3.50
- Daily breakfast price: $1.50
- Daily free breakfast price: $0.30
- Daily free breakfast price: $0.00
Food Service Program
Our School Nutrition Food Service Director and her team dedicate many hours planning our menus so our students have healthy, nutritious and delicious school lunches. Their goals for school lunch include:
— Nutritious meals
— Tasty meals that kids will eat
— Meal preparation that our kitchen can accommodate
— A variety of foods and choices
— Meals served at a reasonable price
For questions or comments about our school lunch program, please contact our lunch secretary, Debbie Stevens at or our Food Service Director, Suzi Moline at
Procedure for Complaints of Discrimination>>