School Land Trust
School Land Trust Funding and Canyon Rim Academy
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 1/9/2025>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Amendment 11/11/2024>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 8/8/2024>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 2/23/2024>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 1/19/2024>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 3/7/2023>>
CRA Land Trust Committee Meeting Minutes 10/23/2023>>
Land Trust Information>> (Agendas, Land Trust Plan, Council members)
Teacher & Student Success Plan, 2024-2025 >>
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) manage school trust lands to generate revenue for schools. In 2020 Utah public schools received over $88 million dollars through the School LAND Trust Program.
Amendment Land Trust 11/11/2024 >>
Committee Members
To contact the Trust Lands Committee, please email
Colleen Mitchell
Dave Garrett
Laura Romney- Teacher
Nils Lofgren- Chair
Parent Members:
Joseph Daugirda- Vice Chair
Elizabeth Hendrix
Melissa Ruesch
Amanda Wiscomb
Summary of CRA's Land Trust Plan:
Land Trust Goals, 2022-2023>>
Land Trust Goals, 2023-2024>>
Land Trust Goals, 2024-25>>
Rules of Order: Parliamentary Procedure>>
Total funding for the 2024-25 school year totals $75,091