K-6 Utah Charter School

A free public K-6 charter school located in East Salt Lake City.

Chrissy Richards

Art Teacher

Hello, my name is Chrissy Richards, known as Ms. Chris to the kids. I'm thrilled to be spending my days in the art room creating and learning with your children! Creative problem solving is crucial for all disciplines of school and life. My goal is to familiarize children with great works of art, help them make connections between historical and social contexts and the art that grew out of them, practice motor skills and visual expression of ideas and emotions, learn to enjoy and appreciate a variety of art viewing and creating, and spark a joy for creativity in all aspects of life.

At Canyon Rim I serve as the BTS (Beverly Taylor Sorensen) arts education, a grant program which provides funding from University levels to ensure arts integrated education for every grade of elementary school kids. It's a wonderful program with focus on integrating art based learning into home classroom learning, and collaboration between parents, teachers, community, administration, and art educators. Here is a link to information on the program:


I received my BA in Visual Arts from BYU. I have experience in photography, print-making, drawing and painting, color theory, figure drawing, composition, typography, and design. My professional career as a graphic designer has focused on logo design, along with some app, website, print, and motion design.

I have three children ranging from Highschool to elementary school ages. In my free time you can find me backpacking, biking, camping, interior designing and remodeling, sewing, furniture refinishing, thrifting, gardening and raising chickens.