David Garrett
Business Administrator
David Garrett brings an extensive amount of experience to Canyon Rim Academy. David graduated with a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Utah. He worked for several years as a Human Resource Analyst for the Utah Department of Transportation. In this position he was responsible for conducting job recruitment and selection efforts including job analysis and the development of recruitment plans. He was also responsible for interviewing applicants, training, staffing plans, resolving employee problems and he conducted training on team building and quality leadership.
David is currently the President of Preferred Title and Escrow Insurance Agency in Sandy. This employment background has given him experience in overseeing the balancing and reconciliation of trust accounts. He manages a staff of employees and ensures that all paperwork and documentation for their business is in order. David is also responsible for establishing and maintaining relationships with their customer base and ensuring the success of the business.
David has served in the community in a variety of church and civic positions. His recent responsibilities included serving as the Chairman for the Canyon Rim Elementary School Community Council. His responsibilities in this position included developing a School Student Achievement Plan including the School Land Trust Program. David also collaborated to implement a staff development plan to identify the schools most critical needs and distribute the financial resources to meet objectives.
David is the father of four children. David's desire is for children to receive the finest education possible and will continue to share his time, energy and resources in making Canyon Rim Academy the finest educational institution possible.